jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

The big earthquake!

I was spending the last days of my vacations in Viña del Mar at an uncle’s house when something unexpected hapenned.
A strong earthquake ocurred and it affected a great area in our country. At the momento of the earthquake I was in a club with one of my cousins and her friends. And the truth is that I didn’t realize that what we had experienced wasn’t just a simple tremblor after a while. Actually it was the first earthquake in our lives.
After a couple of days when everything went back to normal. My cousins and I felt that we had to do something, so we went to Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso to offer our help and then we went to the hospital to donate blood. I think that we handled very well the situation because in spite of being really nervious we didn’t lose control. But if there’s a lesson learnt it’s that in situations like this we are never prepared enough.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

This is me!

Hi everyone!

My name is Francisca Guerrero, I'm 19 years old. I'm originally from San Felipe but i had to move to Santiago to study. I really like this city in spite of the crime and the pollution. living in such a big city allows me to accede to a great diversity of people and activities, which is very exciting but it also makes me realize that there's no place as quiet as San Felipe, so every weekends I go back home and I spend some time with my family, specially with mummy who I miss so much when I'm in Santiago. In the big city I've met lots of people and some of them became my second family.

I think that the experience of being away from home has made me grow and learn to do more things on my own, which is very important but at the same time very hard

Well...for those who didn't know me ... this is a little bit of me

Bye! ... and have a nice day!