jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My favorite picture!!

Hi everyone: This time I have to talk about a picture which I like and I chose a beautiful picture thast was taken a couple of years ago when I graduated from fourth grade. I like this photo because it's very symbolic, it shows when my classmates and I were writing on each others shirts, goodbye messages on our last day at school which was also one of the sadest days in my life. I loved my school and I think I will always love it because I grew and learnt a lot between those walls .. I used to be there the whole day because I never wanted to leave. Everybody knew me there since I was a baby because my two older sisters studied there so school was like my second home and my friends teachers where like my second family.
I don't remember exactly who took this picture but I guess that was one of my classmates. Who were collecting our last pictures together.

I remember that day, it was so fun, the day was dedicated to us. Teachers prepared choreographies and the girls of the third grade prepared a surprise for us we had to go through the whole school reminding our first classroom and our first day at school and then, the kids from kindergarten joined us to the schoolyard where a techer was reading a brief description about each one and at the end the director gave us flowers and then the final bell rang and we had to leave the school as a symbol and a beautiful song was playing at that moment!!!..

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